Chiropractic Therapy


Whether it’s neck pain, repetitive strain, a sports injury or a work-related ailment. Chiropractic services can enhance your overall health and wellness, so contact us today to find out how we can help you overcome sore joints, back aches and other unwelcome pains.

A chiropractic adjustment is an effective treatment option for all ages, including both children and adults. The most common age range for someone to seek chiropractic care is between 45 and 64 years old. It’s more common for people assigned female at birth rather than people assigned male at birth to visit a chiropractor.

Our clinic is fully equipped to manage your personalize treatments

During a chiropractic adjustment, your chiropractor will offer treatment that is unique to meet your needs.

You will lie face down on a chiropractic table that allows certain parts of your body (divided into segments) to lift slightly higher than the rest, which helps your chiropractor apply pressure to a specific area.

Your chiropractor will use their hands or small instruments to apply a quick, controlled force (amount of pressure) to a joint or they will gently stretch your joints beyond their normal range of motion. This helps align the vertebrae in your spine if they were slightly off-center and release gases trapped within your joints.

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